Friday, January 9, 2009

Ted, White, and Blue

Hey out there. I have finished the book Ted White and Blue by Ted Nugent. (Regnery Publishing, Inc.) I must say that’s the fastest time that I have read a book in a long time. This book was one of those that I just couldn’t put down. Over the years I have followed what Ted does and half thought that he made a lot of interesting observations in what he has been saying. This is the first book of his that I have read, and may make me get another one of his. This is about politics, the economy, taxes, war, immigration, health care, global warming, and of course gun control. In this book he really opens up a lot of questions that I would like to ask the elected officials. As Ted says “Despite politicians stunning failure to do their job, Americans continue to re-elect the very professional political punks who are ruining out country”. I am glad I received this book. It’s amazing that he is able to hit the nail on the head of what the problems are with this country. It’s still the best last country on earth. Uncle Ted to the rescue.

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