Monday, March 2, 2009

Probies, Recruits, the new Guy/Gal

Posted before and now reworded (a bit) and added to - Rules for the new People

Golden Rule - What is said here, when you leave here, stays here. Support the management let the city council, board or trustees criticise them.
Thy Mouth Is Open- You weren't hired to give speeches. This isn't the United Nations. Feel free to ask real questions or to speak up about safety concerns. This doesn't grant you license to give out philosphically on the "way this department runs." NOTHING is worse than a mouthy new person.
What We Should Do... - You don't have an opinion yet. Veterans have opinions because they earned the right to speak up. Again, in an emergency, or for a safety issue speak up. Refrain from "This is what we should be doing"
What WE Used To Do - No one cares what you did at your old department. If you volunteer at another department no one cares what happened there either. You aren't "there" you are "here." Focus on learning all you can about this department.
Arrive Early - old salts can roll up right at the change of tour/shift. The new person should show up early AND be the last to leave.
TV - Why are you watching television? Do you know everything you need to know as a recuit? If not get out a book, go out to the rig and LEARN.
Mobile Phone - Stay off the phone unless someone is ill or your wife is pregnant.
Dishes - YOU wash dishes.
Ears - Take both hands and wrap them around your head. Do you feel ears? Good. Use your ears to learn when to speak up. Soak in the great information and remember it.
Broom/Mop - Your new best friends. Use them. There are many like them but for a year these are yours.
"I'll Do It" - This is the best attitude to take. If something needs to be done you do it.

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