Saturday, February 7, 2009

Suspicious Mail Awareness Training Announcement

It was announced at the ITTF meeting held in January, that the Suspicious Mail/Package and Explosive Awareness training program and its relevant planning material, is now available on the Ready Illinois (website). As with any new program we need to get the word out of its availability and with that in mind the ITTF asks for your assistance in contacting your constituents and making them aware of this new program. You are more than welcome to use the following brief summary and link for such advertisement. As usual, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
The Illinois Terrorism Task Force has developed a training program for governmental, private sector employees and the public on basic safety procedures to follow when faced with a suspicious piece of mail or a bomb. The program includes a threat checklist brochure, a sample action plan for dealing with suspicious packages, and a downloadable 30-minute media presentation with audio narrative. For more information, please visit the of the Ready Illinois website.

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