Monday, February 9, 2009

The first Press Conference, Is the Honeymoon Over?

I for one did not get much out of Obamas press conference to say what if anything that this stimulus bill will actually do. He said there was not Pork in it, but there was nothing other than spending money for projects that would make jobs. The so called jobs seem to be short term building and remodeling jobs and really no plan for long term stimulus for make jobs here in the US. I guess what he is after that they can have jobs NOW, adn buy stuff to stimulate the economy? He talked about schools that the FED's will help build? Isn't this the local level of Governments job? Did he really need to fly to Elkhart, Ind., today for promote this package? How much did that cost us for a one day trip, 1, 2, million for transportation, security?

At Town Hall Rally, Obama Pushes Stimulus Plan New York Times, United States - 7 hours ago President Barack Obama listened to a question at a town hall meeting in Elkhart, Ind., on Monday. By PETER BAKER ELKHART, Ind. — President Obama took his ...

I kind of think that he is forgetting the the press is hanging on everyword that he speaks now, after all he is the President. But I guess he can say "I guess I made a Mistake" and thats my 2 cents worth.

Obama and the Economy: When, If Ever, Was He Telling Us the Truth?
By John R. Lott, Jr.“Freedomnomics” author/Senior Research Scientist, University of Maryland
As the final push for the 778 page, $827 billion stimulus package faces votes today and tomorrow in the Senate, President Obama is hammering his opponents and pushing hard for the bill. On Friday, Obama pointedly reminded Republicans that he won the November election and had the right to get his policies enacted. But the stimulus bill bears little resemblance to his campaign promises. It bears little resemblance his many promises he made just a month ago.
If Obama claims a mandate, shouldn’t it be related to what he campaigned on?
Take an emphatic promise that Obama made just a month ago, well after the heat of the presidential campaign had passed: “We are going to ban all earmarks — the process by which individual members insert pet projects without review.” That wasn’t a new promise. During the third presidential debate on October 15, 2008 Obama bluntly promised: “they need to be eliminated.”
But now take Obama’s testy defense of those same earmarks last Friday. Obama reportedly “also defended earmarks as inevitable in such a package.”

Watch for this shift in Obama's stimulus wording tonight and beyond
The 61-36 vote procedural Senate balloting a short time ago indicates President Obama will get his controversial economic stimulus-OMG-look-at-all-that spending bill through the Senate tomorrow.
You could see in his remarks in Elkhart, Ind., today (See video below by scrolling down or clicking on the "Read more" line) a change in strategy. And you'll hear even more about it during his news conference coming up here shortly. And the rest of this week. He's great on the stump. It's much easier than governing.

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