Thursday, June 3, 2010

Smokey Bear joins the H.E.A.T. Team -

Patricia Lund, HealthPartners communications
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  May 27, 2010                                                  
Smokey Bear joins the H.E.A.T. Team -                                                       
Alliance developed to reverse trend in devastating burns and wildfires from campfires
ST. PAUL —With the assistance of the MN FAIR Plan, the Regions Hospital Foundation and the MN Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) have had the opportunity to develop a campfire safety program to reduce burn injuries and the potential for forest fires. Each State Park in Minnesota has free fire safety activity books for the children visiting the park, and there is a comprehensive website complete with interactive “Survival Adventure” games.
Campfire Safety Program    Research has disclosed a trend in campfire related burn injuries requiring lengthy hospital stays, operative intervention, and procedural sedation, with complications including death and amputation. The median age of the victims from these campfire injuries is 2 years old. These incidents sometimes happen long after the fire is thought to be extinguished. Most of these incidents are predictable and preventable.
MN DNR, Division of Forestry, Wildfire Prevention &Smokey Bear    There are many things that live and grow in the forest: trees, bushes, flowers, large animals, small animals, birds, and insects. Trees are important because they give us wood for building and paper to write on. Fire can destroy small plants, bushes, and trees. Fire can force animals, birds, and insects away from where they live by destroying their homes and the food they eat.
The Regions Hospital Burn Center   The Burn Center at Regions Hospital is the most complete and extensive care facility of its type in the Upper Midwest, providing specialized care for all types of burns and wounds. The staff is very committed to burn prevention. They have partnerships with firefighters, rural and regional health care providers, emergency medical staff and industry leaders to reduce the risk of burns.
The Regions Hospital Burn Center H.E.A.T. Team    The objective of the Healing, Education And Training program is to educate people of all ages on the dangers of fire, teaching them to take a personal responsibility for themselves, their families, their homes, and their surroundings.
Further fire safety related information and activities   Please visit us at the following fun and interactive websites for valuable information that will provide your family with the knowledge to develop safe behaviors that will last their lifetime, and be passed on to future generations.

Brought to you by the partnership of MN FAIR Plan, Regions Hospital Foundation and the MN DNR

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