Monday, November 17, 2008

The Cabinet

I was sitting here today at the computer browsing the internet news feeds and wondering about Barack’s cabinet choices. Biggest thing that struck me today was reading about him contemplating Hillary as Secretary of State. She was his biggest opponent that he cut down so much during the primaries and he is actually considering appointing her to that post. They were also looking into Bill’s background to see if there was anything there that would prevent her from being in that position.

The Times:
Give me a break, all the past dealings that have been investigated about those two and they still think that there is nothing wrong with either of them. This is the thinking of the man that the nation elected to the highest office? Now there may not everything right with Johns thinking and his past dealings but, hey wait a second, it was in the news today that Barak has asked John to come to Chicago and talk about what he can do to help his administration and transition team to the White House. They were looking for what help John could be with the administration.

Chicago Tribune (The two former rivals met in Obama's transition headquarters in Chicago. Obama said before the meeting that he and McCain planned "a good conversation about how we can do some work together to fix up the country, and also to offer thanks to Sen. McCain for the outstanding service he's already rendered."),0,7761979.story

Now this is good that he is using the most experience and knowledgeable people to help him. It is always said that as a good leader you should surround yourselves with good people, and here he is aligning himself with the very people that he was putting down. Do you see where I am getting at? Looks like the thought that he is not ready and experienced to lead the nation is becoming apparent? Didn’t he cut John down during the election campaign that he and not John would be best to lead the country?


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