Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22, 2008

Deer, Deer and more Deer!
Where I am working there are more and more deer showing up. I work nights and not much is going on. This allows the deer around here to roam around without much to bother them. Have seen 10+ tonight. More bucks than in the past few weeks. Looks as it they are getting ready for the rut. The weather was in the 20's last night so the leaves should soon fall from the rest of the trees, making it easier to see the deer. I have been lucky for not hitting a deer so far.
It seems like there is a lull in the presidential campaign and they should be getting it on hard in the next few weeks. i will be glad when this is over as I don't really like either one of them. With all the politicians out there you would think that the parties could come up with something better? Guess I may have to cote for a comedian for senator?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Bet Ya!