Monday, February 15, 2010

Future of EMS? Interesting to see how this plays out.

Rockford is one of the largest communities outside of Chicago In northern Illinois. They are considering doing away with provided EMS service and turning it over to privatization. Would a hospital based EMS system work better? Fully private service? Will have to watch this. Government studies have shown that fire incidents are down and EMS incidents have been increasing for many years. Could this be the service of the future? Has fire based EMS reached the breaking point. With The government meddling in national health care could this be the next thing? We shall see?

Rockford leaders debate privatizing ambulance service - Rockford Register Star 

ROCKFORD — The Rockford Fire Department could more aptly be called the Rockford EMS Department, going on about 18,000 emergency medical service and rescue calls versus about 400 fire calls a year.

Read full story and comments here.

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