Thursday, May 14, 2009

I had a feeling this was coming

Each year it surprised me to learn the this Assistant to Firefighters Grant was funded again. I had a feeling that it was too good to last. I hope that all departments got the things that they really needed in the past grant offerings. It was good while it lasted. The problem with the Safer grants is that most department cannot afford to keep up the staffing after the grant term, and money runs out. So a lot of then never applied for this grant.

President Obama Details Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Increases to SAFER and USFA; Cuts to FIRE

On May 7, President Obama released his detailed proposal for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 budget.

This proposal would double the funding for the SAFER grant program to $420 million and increase funding for the U.S. Fire Administration to $45.59 million. However, the budget also proposes cutting the FIRE grant program to $170 million. Details about proposed funding for the fire service programs are below.

During a meeting on May 7, the IAFC Board of Directors discussed the proposed budget with the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. Chief Larry Grorud, IAFC president, said afterwards, “We appreciate the president’s support for the SAFER grant program and the U.S. Fire Administration. However, we are deeply concerned with the cut to the FIRE grant program, which helps enhance the basic operational capabilities for career, combination, and volunteer fire departments. The IAFC looks forward to working with the other fire service organizations and our allies in Congress to restore funding back to the FIRE grant program.”

Department of Homeland Security Budget Request ($ in millions)


FY 2009 Enacted by Congress

FY 2010 President's Budget Request

U.S. Fire Administration



FIRE Grant Program



SAFER Grant Program



Urban Areas Security Initiative



State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP)



Urban Search and Rescue Teams



Interoperable Communications Grants



Emergency Management Performance Grants



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